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Procedural Animation Library - Dissertation

/ 2 min read

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This procedural animation library was done for final year dissertation at Warwick University. The goal was to create a library which abstracted and refined the process of coding new procedural animations within Unity.

Procedural animations rely on programmed calculations each frame to create reactive and natural movements. This was combines with a basic behaviour trees and an A* pathfinding algorithm to display such animations.

Player character using procedural animations for arms and legs movement


This was a great learning experience, which allowed me to develop my knowledge of game development and tool creation.

Here are some of the tools and techniques I used:


  1. A* Pathfinding Algorithm

    • Implemented a pathfinding algorithm alongside a grid manager using C#.

    • The grid manager is used to discern whether specific tiles were traversable or not.

      See Assets/PA Library/APathfinding

  2. Procedural Animation Library

    • Created a library to manage the creation and application of procedural animations of limbs.

    • Allows users to apply different target selection rules onto different limbs, all managed under a MotionDirector object.

      See Assets/PA Library

  3. C# Delegates

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Behaviour Trees

  2. A* Pathfinding Algorithm

Version Control

  1. GitHub