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Terminal - UE5 Shooter

/ 4 min read

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Terminal is a horror shooter made using C++ and UE5. This project contains 4 unique enemies, which undergo different animations and AI.

This is a personal remake of a group project made during my time at The Developer Academy’s Unreal Engine 5 bootcamp. Big thanks to Clayton Rist who contributed with the original level construction, playtesting and the blaster sound.

This project was initially a zombie shooter with bare-bones AI and animation implementation. Upon revisit, I wanted to improve on those fronts and develop behaviours which take advantage of layered animations and Unreal Engine’s EQS.

Most of these components are done using C++ and may be documented further in the Related Posts section.


The primary focus of this project was to incorporate some varied behaviours into a complete game. Below you can see some of the techniques used to achieve the gameplay and enemies you see in Terminal.


  1. Anim Notifiers
void UAnimNotify_AttackPlayer::Notify(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimSequenceBase* Animation)
    Super::Notify(MeshComp, Animation);

    if (!(MeshComp))
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("PlayerController or MeshComponent NULL"));

    APlayerController* PlayerController = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
    AMB2Character* PlayerCharacter = Cast<AMB2Character>(PlayerController->GetPawn());

    AActor* AIActor = MeshComp->GetOwner();

    FVector AILocation = AIActor->GetActorLocation();
    FVector PlayerLocation = PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation();

    float Distance = FVector::Distance(AILocation, PlayerLocation);

    if(Distance <= AttackRange)
        UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(PlayerCharacter, Damage, PlayerController, AIActor, DamageType);
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hit, Health: %f"), PlayerCharacter->HealthComponent->GetHealth());
  1. HealthComponent

    • Had the health as a separate ActorComponent class.

    • This is a huge improvement of how I used to do it (in the Character classes) and is great in terms of modularity.

      See Source/MB2/Private/HealthComponent.cpp

  2. C++ Delegates

    • Used to trigger behaviour trees when specific stages are reached.

    • This ensures behaviour trees aren’t ticking for enemies which are behind doors which aren’t open.

    • In general, delegates are used where I can in order to keep components decoupled.

      An example: Source/MB2/Private/MB2GameState.cpp

    void AMB2GameState::IncrementGameStage()

        // Check if game won
        if(GameStage >= 4)
            if (!GameEndWidget)

            if(UUserWidget* GameEndScreen = CreateWidget(GetWorld(), GameEndWidget))
  1. C++ Gameplay Timers
    • This was used to add a delay between rounds.

    • This is more of a feel-good thing, didn’t want rounds to be sudden and disorient the player due to the camera panning.

      An Example Source/MB2/Private/MB2GameState.cpp

// This is called each time an alien dies
void AMB2GameState::CheckStageComplete()
    TArray<AActor*> AlienActors;
    UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), ABaseAlienCharacter::StaticClass(), AlienActors);

    // Check if any aliens alive for given stage
    for(AActor* Actor : AlienActors)
        ABaseAlienCharacter* AlienCharacter = Cast<ABaseAlienCharacter>(Actor);

        if((AlienCharacter->Stage == GameStage) && (!AlienCharacter->IsDead))

    // Otherwise, they are all dead and the next stage should pursue
  1. Camera Lock On
    • For clarity, I used a camera lock-on technique to alert the player of what door/stage was being unlocked.

    • This C++ function is called in blueprints for the opening duration.

      See Source/MB2/Private/StageDoorActor.cpp

void UAnimNotify_AttackPlayer::Notify(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimSequenceBase* Animation)
    Super::Notify(MeshComp, Animation);

    if (!(MeshComp))
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("PlayerController or MeshComponent NULL"));

    APlayerController* PlayerController = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
    AMB2Character* PlayerCharacter = Cast<AMB2Character>(PlayerController->GetPawn());

    AActor* AIActor = MeshComp->GetOwner();

    FVector AILocation = AIActor->GetActorLocation();
    FVector PlayerLocation = PlayerCharacter->GetActorLocation();

    float Distance = FVector::Distance(AILocation, PlayerLocation);

    if(Distance <= AttackRange)
        UGameplayStatics::ApplyDamage(PlayerCharacter, Damage, PlayerController, AIActor, DamageType);
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Hit, Health: %f"), PlayerCharacter->HealthComponent->GetHealth());
  1. Parry Mechanic


  1. Event Dispatchers

    • Door functionality was done in blueprints, so a matching event was created to listen to MB2GameState’s broadcast of the OnGameStateChanged delegate.

      See Door_A_BP1

  2. UI

    • Mostly done in blueprints, but handled in the MB2GameState C++ class.

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Behaviour Trees
Terminal Charge Attack Sequence
  1. Environment Query System

Animation Programming

If you want to checkout all the animation work, see Content/MoonBaseRedux/Characters/Alien/Animations

  1. Animation Blueprints
    • State Machines used to switch between blendspaces.
    • Event Graphs done in blueprints in order to update variables used in the state machines.
Animation State Machine
  1. Layered Animations
    • Blended animations by bone in order to create more natural movements and attacks.
Layered Animation Graph
  1. Blendspaces
    • Blending of movement animations by direction and speed.


  1. Metasounds
    • I added footsteps with random pitch variation.
    • This is done so players can hear enemies that haven’t been killed (mainly the hiding ones).

Version Control

  1. Perforce
    • Setting up the initial depot and p4ignore in order to collaborate.